readme.txt for HTML daily Watchwords package ---------------------------------------- Installation of the HTML daily Watchwords files: - unpack the HTML package to any directory you like (be sure to create the directory TREE contained in the package) - open the file XXtoday.htm (XX = your language) to display the daily Watchword - that's it. ---------------------------------------- The HTML package unpacks to the following directory structure (e.g. for "en"/"EN" = English, year "2006"): readme.txt The file you just read ENlicense.htm The license agreements (referenced by the daily Watchwords files) ENtoday.htm OPEN THIS FILE to display the daily Watchwords ENtoday.css Style sheet used by the daily Watchwords files. Adapt this file to customize the appearance of the daily Watchwords. *.gif Symbols used by ENlicense.htm 2006\01\en060101.htm The Losung file for 2006, January, day 1 ... 2006\12\en061231.htm The Losung file for 2006, December, day 31. ---------------------------------------- May it come true: So also will be the word that I speak - it will not fail to do what I plan for it; it will do everything I send it to do. Isaiah 55,11 Helmut Steeb See for info about the freeware Watchwords programs. ---------------------------------------- Version 2005-11-19 (v499)